Monthly Challenge


Goals for the day!

See how many reps you can do in 30 seconds or challenge yourself to the reps listed and accomplish your personal best!

Day Beginner Intermediate Advanced
1 10 12 15
2 12 15 20
3 14 18 25
4 16 21 30
5 18 24 35
6 20 27 40
7 Rest Rest Rest
8 22 30 45
9 24 33 50
10 26 36 55
11 28 39 60
12 30 42 65
13 32 45 70
14 Rest Rest Rest
15 34 48 75
Day Beginner Intermediate Advanced
16 36 51 80
17 38 54 85
18 40 57 90
19 42 60 100
20 44 63 105
21 Rest Rest Rest
22 46 66 110
23 48 69 115
24 50 72 120
25 52 75 125
26 54 78 130
27 56 81 135
28 Rest Rest Rest
29 58 84 140
30 60 87 145

Ask your coach for details and sign up today!

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  • Got it!